Skills for Life:
Certification of Non-Formal and Informal Learning in the Professional Field of Stage Technicians
The Erasmus+ Projects PACE-VET and TeBeVAT aim at solving the modern challenges of an ever-changing-workplace and the demographics of the EU. Jobseekers, employers, educators, and their institutions as well as validating bodies and institutions involved in vocational educational training desperately need a European solution. The speed of change in the work environment and digitalization as well as the quick evolution of technologies requires that workers in the event technology sector must be life-long learners to master diverse competencies at many intervals throughout their careers.
PACE-VET & TeBeVAT Processes
PACE-VET & TeBeVAT Processes
Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
PACE-VET Assessor Training Videos: Assessment Methods
Structured Portfolio
Observation in a Simulated Environment
Observation on Site
Post Box Exercise
Role Play
Criterion-Based Interview
Written Test – Multiple Choice
Written Test – Open Answers
Oral Examination
PACE-VET Assessor Training Videos: Assessor Competences
Assesor Bias
Special Needs
Documentation and Deliberation